what is SEO Search Engine Optimization and how it works?

Do you know what is SEO? What is the importance of SEO?
In this article today we will talk briefly and i have very important points for you Below.

What is SEO and how (?) So here is the first question that new bloggers often ask 

That is why SEO is important for our blog, so let me tell you here today Digital.

If you want to bring yourself in front of people in the world, then online is the only way for you.
Where you can connect with crores of people, the thing to understand here is that whether you are connected through video

Or if you want, through whatever means of joining through the Contents, for all these And whenever you think of connecting with people through Video or Contents. 

Then you must come to your page on the first page or in the search engine. 

Because when your contents will come in the first page, then Visitor likes your page very much. 

And trust but it is not so easy to reach here 
To reach here, you have to correctly SEO Article Optimized so that 

He was able to rank in Search Engine and its process is called SEO.

If it is said that SEO is the life of Blogging then it will not be wrong. I'm saying this because you want 

Why not write any good article, but if your article does not rank correctly 

In such a situation, the probability of traffic on your blog becomes negligible in such a way that whatever the writer is. 

All his hard work goes waste.

So, if you do not take Blogging Serious, then you must pay attention to it. 

And especially it is important to know more about SEO, by doing this it is not yet 

So later you will get a lot of work, here you will see if there is no rule of SEO

Rather it is some Google's Algorithm that changes constantly

The most important thing I want to say here is if someone tells you that he is a very big SEO Expert

So you do not have to believe that person at all, why am I saying this because no person till date 

Mastery on SEO is not able to do this, which is constantly changing along with Google's Algorithm.

Due to which no one has been able to detect it yet, but here some things of SEO are common. 

Which is never updated, due to which bloggers can always keep themselves trends and SEO Technique.

And you can also change your article simultaneously, which will help you to Rank in Google.

That,s all for today's articles and if you want to be successful than you must have to follow these steps i told you above Best of Luck.